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Excellent customer service and friendly staff. They are very helpful and knowledgable. Had a great buying experience! Al - San Marcos, Ca.
If you have been following our tweets, you probably know that Team Eccemilta is now taking their ISPROJ2. ISPROJ1 Presentation and Defense over! April 8, 2011.
The Ocean Center is home to the only marine studies classroom and public aquarium in WNC. The Aquarium is open to the public Wed - Sat 1-5pm. Aquarium Volunteers and Interns care for more than 75 species of fish and reptiles in 22 habitats! Enjoy animals such as red footed tortoises, upside down jellies, crabs, anemones, cleaner shrimp, blue spot sting ray, eels, lions, lizards, and lots of other beautiful fish! Shark, Epa,.
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