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سرزمینی با گنجینه ای عظیم از هنر و فرهنگ که نه تنها تاریخ بلکه زمان را شرمنده خود کرده است. ما در این وب .
Welcome to my home on the net. I guess you have reached this site to know more about me. I think a nice way to know a person without meeting personally is through interview. So here are some excerpts from the interview that was broadcast on my personal channel and guess what. watched only by me! If you can read this, you have to activate javascript for your browser. This extension was brought to you by TYPO3-Macher, die TYPO3-Agentur. I have not heard much about you, so could you introduce yourself? .
Tuusula ei ole enää houkutteleva. Olen 38-vuotias kolmen lapsen isä Tuusulan Jokelasta. Ammatiltani olen historian ja yhteiskuntaopin opettaja ja työskentelen Järvenpään lukiossa. Olen kunnanvaltuutettu sekä liikuntalautakunnan puheenjohtaja. Lisäksi toimin Tuusulan suurimman valtuustoryhmän puheenjohtajana.