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Es un duo creativo de moneros integrado por. Perro, Gato y Ardilla. Son tres animalitos que no saben lo que son y cada miércoles intentarán descubrir su identidad. La más reciente tira cómica, trata de seres animales y metafísicos, sus protagonistas son un pulpo con mala leche y una sucia mofeta. A mythic beast and a bold feline presents some oriental wisdom in to our post-modern world.
Martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016. APPLE PEN, SIEMPRE HAY ALGO QUE SORPRENDE. Viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016.
Player Experiences in Location Aware Games - Methodological Issues. Co-edited by Barbara Grüter, Rod McCall, Lynne Baillie and Anne-Kathrin Braun. This special issue of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing will focus on the methodological issues in studying player experiences of location aware games. All instances of the iterative research cycle are included from modeling to studying, to understanding the underlying assumptions and remodeling and studying again. What indicates experiences for the observer? .