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Wednesday, July 25, 2007. How can we label it an place rules and regulations and social stigmas on simply having an orgasm? How can we categorise it and make it only an experience for married couples, or couples that are in a relationship, and you can not experience it with any one else. And, well, if you experience it by your self, you must be sexually frustrated! Ever heard of Sexual transmutation? So what is sexual transmutation? Reaching a higher state.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009. Oh how I love thee. Gas Station restroom off the Lindero Cyn exit on the 101. Also, your size prohibits very large people from entering you, which has led to very funny moments as those large people realize they must seek transportation elsewhere.
This website contains sexually explicit material not belonging to this site. Images displayed on this web site are the property of their respective owners. I find your level of incompetence particularly impressive today.
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