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Welcome to Ocean Audio, your DJ, music, lighting and equipment hire specialists. Ocean Audio Entertainment has been providing our. Professional services for school plays, corporate functions,. Weddings, matric dances and special occasions since 1989. Bookings and facilitation of all performing artists, including technical and appearance requirements.
Ocean Freight Refunds in 96 hours. Learn How We Do It. There are currently five billion dollars in ocean freight refunds sitting in vendor bank accounts due to the inefficiencies of the ocean freight marketplace. Recovering these funds is one of the most significant problems which Shippers face. We have found a way to get this money returned to the Shipper in 96 hours, versus the typical 90 days.
Use the form on the right to contact us. You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. We have an Oceana ukulele waiting for you to play. be it the songs of the Islands, or gypsies, pirates, punk rockers, or the deep down blues.
75 Oceana Drive East Brooklyn, NY 11235. Call to schedule an appointment.