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We, Syrians who have survived death or incarceration only by chance, are not spared the trauma of losing family, friends, and loved ones to death and incarceration. Granted, it is not possible to help those who have passed, but it is our human and moral duty to help the tens of thousands of detained and kidnapped Syrians who are dispersed among the ever-increasing powers of evil, each violating the freedom and dignity of Syrians according to their capacity.
Real Estate Development and Investment Management. With over one million square feet of successful development and twenty years of local experience, Najor Companies has influenced the Southeastern Michigan landscape to be the commercial epicenter it is today.
O Pastor e os Palácios. E é do NÃO ao que te limita e degrada que tu hás-de construir o SIM da tua dignidade. Diz NÃO mesmo à igualdade, se ela é apenas um modo de te nivelarem pelo mais baixo e não pelo mais alto que existe twitter. Diz NÃO ao ódio e à violência com que te queiram legitimar uma luta fratricida. Porque a justiça há-de nascer de um twitter. Amém pra mim, amém pra nós! O Lulismo é.