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Customize with high quality frames, mattes, and rubbings. ForeverRed provides unique and personalized products that allow you to take the memories with you, wherever you go. Innovation through new and unique products.
At Forever Reflections we bring your photo memories to life by creating personal video-photo montages of your special occasions. Imagine having your photographs showing as though they are a video, and set to the music of your choice. Bring the memories of you wedding, engagement party, birthdays and more occasions to life as a special keepsake. Or, have a montage made as a special gift for someone, or to show as a slideshow at a special event.
This is a tumblelog, kinda like a blog but with short-form, mixed-media posts with stuff I like. Scroll down a bit to start reading. Or a bit more to read more about me. Accept that everyone will eventually disappoint you. I want someone to love me for who I am. Not what I have to offer. Reblogged from Silk sheets had ya slippin off the bed baby. Reblogged from Live life with color.