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An event, which will change the lives of millions for the centuries to come, is taking place here.
Bishnoism,a religious movement,is devoted to eco-friendliness and wild life protection. Here, peace is maintained with aggression and robust health rubs shoulders with regular famine. Here penniless women flaunt heavy gold jewelery and wild animals leave the supposed security of jungles to stroll around village huts and farmlands.
Bishnoi is a religious group found in the Western Thar Desert and northern states of India. They follow a set of 29 principles given by Guru Jambheshwar. said that trees and wildlife should be protected, prophesying that harming the environment means harming oneself. Ranaram Bishnoi is a 72 year-old environmentalist of Ekalkhori village near Jodhpur, Rajsthan. He initiated planting trees in the desert and dry area near his village. The animals are allowed to graze in the farmlands of the Bishnois.